📄️ Import SDK
A. Import SDK (Android)
📄️ Init SDK
In Unity, follow these steps.
📄️ Login
In Unity, follow these steps.
📄️ Logout
In Unity, follow these steps.
📄️ Set Role Info
In Unity, you need to call method after login SDK successful + Choose Server successful + login into Game successful. We need get roleID, serverGameID, ... from database's game.
📄️ Switch Server Test vs Real
For Android
📄️ Get And Update DzoCoin
You can update your DzoCoin when it has changed by registering callback:
📄️ Multi Purchase
📄️ Rating App
📄️ Traking Event Game
1. Track Screen View
📄️ Claim Giftcode From Webview
Flow 1:
📄️ Others
1. Share photo on FB