ποΈ Import SDK
Step 1:
ποΈ Login
ποΈ Logout
ποΈ Set Role Info
You need to call method after login SDK successful + Choose Server successful + login into Game successful. We need get roleID, serverGameID, ... from database's game.
ποΈ Switch Server Real vs Test
Config file SDKConfig.json, variable typeSdkServer set value = 0 for server Test, value = 1 for server Real.
ποΈ Get Auth Token
ποΈ Get DeviceID
ποΈ Multi Purchase
ποΈ Get DzoCoin - Update DzoCoin
After login SDK successful, to get your Dzocoin + Update Dzocoin every time change, you need to register callback below:
ποΈ Custom Multi Purchase Dialog Confirm
To custom this dialog, you need to follow the following steps:
ποΈ Tracking Event Game
1. Track Event Game (Custom)
ποΈ Rating App
To use this feature, we need to add new library in dependencies of build.grade (Module.app)
ποΈ Claim Giftcode From Webview
Flow 1:
ποΈ Others
1. Take Screen Shot