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Link Facebook app from InGame (Fanpage, Group, Profile)

Description: This is a navigation feature to the Facebook app if you have the app installed, otherwise it will switch to the webview when you press the button to access Facebook (with any pageID / groupID / profileID).

  • Call DZOSDKCoreKit with linkToFBAppWebView with pageID, strTypeLinkPage is “page”
	[[DZOSDKCoreKit sharedInstance] linkToFBAppWebView:pageID strTypeLink:strTypeLinkPage typeCheck:2];
  • Call DZOSDKCoreKit with linkToFBAppWebView with groupID, strTypeLinkPage is “group”
	[[DZOSDKCoreKit sharedInstance] linkToFBAppWebView:groupID strTypeLink:strTypeLinkGroup typeCheck:2];
  • Call DZOSDKCoreKit with linkToFBAppWebView with profileID, strTypeLinkPage is “profile”
	[[DZOSDKCoreKit sharedInstance] linkToFBAppWebView:profileID strTypeLink:strTypeLinkProfile typeCheck:2];